Help Jane Hart compile the Top Tools for Learning list!

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For years, Edtech researcher Jane Hart has compiled the Top 300 Tools for Learning list. This list inspired thousands of people around the globe to discover new learning methods. We greatly appreciate the effort she puts into compiling this list. It helps people find the right tools for their learning situation.

It’s time to vote!

Hihaho was honored with the 50th place on the list last year! This position strongly motivates us to continuously develop and improve our software to keep becoming a better learning platform. Are you a fan of hihaho? Feel free to mention us as one of your favorite tools for the 2022 list! If you would like to help Jane Hart compile her list, make sure to vote for your favorite tools on the Top Tools for Learning website.

Here’s how you can vote

  1. Go to the voting page on the Top Tools for Learning website.
  2. Scroll down to the fields in which you can fill in your favorite learning tools.
  3. Fill in the names of your favorite tools.
  4. Check off the boxes to indicate what you use the tools for.
  5. Add short descriptions saying what you like most about the tools.

A filled in tool you would like to vote for, should look something like this:

What tools can I vote for?

For inspiration on what tools you could vote for, you can check out the previous Top Tools for Learning list of 2021. Furthermore you can think of learning tools you might frequently use. For example: YouTube, Wikipedia, Google Meet, LinkedIn, Slack, Kahoot, MS Office, Trello, Zoom, WordPress or any other Learning tool you can think of, such as hihaho.

We hope you’re looking forward to the Top Tools for Learning list of 2022 as much as we are!