Excited about interactive video? Check out our blog for updates, tips and inspiration!
What video editing software would be best for you?
When you create videos, you'll need video editing software to edit your scenes. But what video editing software would be best?

Marin Groothengel
Est. reading time 1 Min
How a hackathon can boost your organization
During our interactive video hackathon, a Murder Mystery Game was created. “Usually it’s all business, but now we had to think outside the box”, Freddy Kalwij says. If you’re wondering if a hackathon could be useful for your organization, this blog is for you!

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 3 Mins
SaaS versus Open Source: which platform is best for your organization?
When you'd like to buy an online interactive video platform, you'll have to choose whether you are going to use a SaaS solution or an Open Source solution. What are the pros and cons of both options? In this blog, we will help you decide!

Est. reading time 3 Mins
How to write a script
So you’re about to be a scriptwriter! I’m glad for you, because writing scripts is one of the most creative tasks there is! Rule number one: there are no rules because your creativity should not be limited. But of course, we can give you some advice. Here we go!

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 5 Mins
Rating interaction and table of contents - May update
Every once in a while, we’re going to tell you about the changes in hihaho. Today, we’ve got some big updates that might be useful to you!

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 2 Mins
How to create videos without filming
Making a video without using a camera. You might find yourself in need of footage that you can’t shoot yourself. What then? I would like to share my experience!

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 3 Mins
Cheap interactive video productions without outsourcing (or just a little)
"But it costs a lot of money and time to make videos!" This is something we hear very often. However, the good news is, that it doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming! That's why we'd like to share our tips about reducing production costs.

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 8 Mins
Jane Hart: “Interactive video is one of the most influential upcoming trends”
This year, hihaho climbed up the ladder and has risen 39 places in the Top 200 Tools for Learning 2019! One of the voters wrote: “Awesome tool for DIY Interactive Video! Super easy to use.”

Est. reading time 5 Mins
Interactive video makes user guides a waste of paper
A manual may seem intimidating at times. Many people don’t even bother anymore and try it themselves first. So why not make it easier for your customer?

Kirsten Ronda
Est. reading time 3 Mins