Excited about interactive video? Check out our blog for updates, tips and inspiration!
A reallife example – Walking alongside a safety inspector
Considering the fact that interactive video is still a new concept to a lot of people, many may wonder what the possibilities are. And you might be one of them. That is why we have selected a special case for you: an interactive movie about an emergency lighting inspector.

Est. reading time 3 Mins
How to actively engage your audience by using interactive video
You’re probably here because you have a video you’d like to share with an audience. The thing is, there are millions of video’s out there. And people have a billion things to do. So how do you make sure people watch your video and get something out of it?

Est. reading time 6 Mins
Establishing the importance of video
Why would you invest time and money in ‘expensive’ videos? Today, I aim to show you why video is so important.

Est. reading time 5 Mins
5 Reasons To Train Employees Via Interactive Video
Why would a company utilize video learning for training employees? In this blog you find the 5 main reasons to do so.

Est. reading time 10 Mins
A Closer Look: Employee Onboarding
How is onboarding done right using video? You only need to set up one good digital process that you can use for at least several years.

Est. reading time 5 Mins